28 February 2011

A beautiful day

Maiko Satsuki and Geiko Sayaka
Kyoto 2011

It was raining today in Kyoto but it was a beautiful day for Sayaka san and Satsuki san. And a great event for their Okiya.

It was Sayaka san's erikae the day she became a Geiko. And it was Satsuki san's misedashi the day she made her debut as a Maiko.

Congratulations and good luck to both of them.

I will post more photos in the coming days.

27 February 2011

Plum collection

Plum tree, pink
Kyoto 2011

And still this wonderful plum blossom. Amazing colors. This series was shot at Kitano Tenmangu temple which is one of Kyoto most famous spot to enjoy plum blossom.

Kyoto Traditional entertainment festival

Maiko Mameyuri, performing shatsukyo (stone bridge)
#Kyoto 2011

The 41th Kyoto Traditional Entertainment Festival took place on Feb 27 at Kyoto Kaikan. Several groups performed songs, music and dance of the several festivals held every year in Kyoto. "Pictures not allowed" as usual but I couldn't help it when I saw Maiko Mameyuri. Sumimasen ne.

Children performing a festival dance
Kyoto 2011

And I also enjoyed watching these children performing yaseshamenchi odori (Akimoto temple dance). This festival takes place in Yase every year since 1707.

26 February 2011

Maiko Sayaka, Chion In Tea house

 Sayaka, Chion In Tea House
 Kyoto 2010

Another spot of Sayaka #photo series was the Tea House of Chion-In garden. It was only with natural light therefore a bit dark but it gave a special character to the scene.  I like her expression. She will look great as a Geiko.

I almost missed the below scene. I was busy taking pictures of Mamechiho. I arrived at the end and could only shoot the below one. Onihide was sitting right on the left side and did this fabulous shot.

Sayaka, Momiji at Chion In
Kyoto 2010

22 February 2011

Hanagasa Junko, women carrying blue wagasa

Group picture, Hanagasa junko
Kyoto 2010

I was testing my camera settings before the group #picture of Hanagasa Junko (flower Hat festival). But finally, I preferred this scene that the group picture itself.


Women, blue wagasa
Kyoto 2010

There was such a crowd of photographers around this child that no one paid attention to these three women nearby all dressed up in blue and carrying blue wagasa. This is why they looked so surprised and addressed me this lovely smile when I asked for a picture.

19 February 2011

Maiko Sayaka, Chion In garden

Maiko Sayaka, Chion In Garden pond
Kyoto 2010 

With her upcoming erikae at the end of Feb 2011, all attention is on Maiko Sayaka. So it's a pleasure to share this #photo series of her that I shot at the photo session in Chion In temple end of 2010.

At that time, I knew this would be the last time I would see Mamechiho. But I didn't know that this would be the last chance to take pictures of Sayaka and Katsuyuki as Maiko.

 Playing Hanetsuki with Katsuyuki
 Kyoto 2010

Sayaka became the new muse of ihee (handicraft shop) just after Mamehana became a Geiko. I thought I could see her in ihee a few times like I did with Mamehana. But she only did Ihee winter postcard series and now will become a Geiko.

Sayaka looking at the carps (koi) in the pond
Kyoto 2010

There are plenty of nice spots in Chion In Garden. All these pictures were taken next to the pond.

16 February 2011

Samurai, portrait series

 Samurai, #portrait Jidai Matsuri
Kyoto 2010

Thanks to these 4 samurais who kindly posed for a portrait during Jidai Matsuri 2010.

13 February 2011

Hanagasa Junko, boy portrait

Boy portrait, Hanagasa junko
Kyoto 2010

There was such a crowd around this boy at Hanagasa Junko (flower hat procession). He was such a stunning character in the parade, but not sure he enjoyed it as much as everyone did.

11 February 2011

Hanagasa Junko, Girls with wagasa

Hanagasa Junko, girls with wagasa
Kyoto 2010

Here is another photo series of Hanagasa Junko. No Maiko for this one, but lovely girls carrying wagasa. What a photogenic event!

8 February 2011

Hanagasa Junko, Flower hat procession 

 Maiko Kikune, Fukuya and Fukuyu, from Miyagawacho
  Kyoto 2010

Hanagasa Junko "flower hat procession" is one of the parade of Gion Matsuri, Kyoto most popular festival. In 2010, Maiko from Gion-kobu and Miyagawacho participated to this beautiful procession. And it was all about white.

Maiko Kikune and Fukuya
Kyoto 2010

6 February 2011

Plum Blossom, Imperial Park

Plum blossom, Kyoto Imperial Park
Kyoto 2011

After an unusual snowy winter, plum trees started to bloom a week later than last year at Kyoto imperial park.